Alert level 1 not withstanding (good word that) we’re doing our June meetings via Zoom still.

Tonight you can be with us on Zoom again!
Screens “open” at 19.30 for chats and intro, and for singers to declare their intention to sing to MC Cathy Munro.
Music kicks off at 8.00PM – Usual story, floorspots comprising 2 songs, max 10 minutes, you’ll have the focus for the duration of your spot, rest of attendees muted.
Ronél Hunter will look in, in advance of her show next month (back in the hall!)
We’ll be UN – muting everybody after each song, give you all a chance to clap, cheer, stamp your feet and holler, and generally show your appreciation in the traditional manner.
We reserve the right to cut short a floorspot if the quality of a performers internet connection isn’t up to it. We’ve discovered Zoom works best for music if tell it to use ‘Original Sound’, scroll down to ‘Using Zoom’ for more about this.
NO BREAK – we won’t stop for a cuppa or other brief interruption – you can probably still get your own refreshments if needed and still keep one ear and eye on what’s going on at the club. We reckon this still leaves plenty of time at the beginning and end of the evening for chat and catching up.
So it’s floorsingers all the way down. Or wall to wall if you prefer.
Then at some point late in the evening, when the last song has been sung and the last chat had, we all hit ‘Leave Meeting’ and are magically transported back into our separate realities:- no chairs to put away, no long drive home.
Here are more details on using Zoom, if you still need ’em.
Titirangi Folk Music Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Titirangi Folk Music Club – June 2020 Club Night
Time: June 13th, 2020 07:30 PM Auckland, Wellington
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 488 099
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