Alan Knight & Tom French – Saturday 7th October 2023

First up – NOTE THE DATE – this month only, we’re meeting on the FIRST SATURDAY – to allow you folks to get engrossed in the election results next Saturday.

Alan Knight & Tom French

With the mighty Gráinneog temporarily sidelined by vexations various, Alan and Tom have been keeping the flame burning and working up a fine set of songs. But while weekly sessions of singing and drinking Porter are all very well, the chaps are keen to get out and about a bit and bring some jollity to the nation’s folk clubs.

With a fine repertoire of trad and contemporary songs, the chaps bring ‘Tall Tales of Foaming Ales and possibly even Great Big Whales’ to life with plenty of gusto and volume.

Doors open 7.30PM for an 8.00PM start.
Floorsingers First half.
Members $10.00,
Non-Members $15.00,
Under 18s Free.

We are here. At the bottom of Titirangi Beach Road, just beyond the car park.

Friday Folk’n’Jam – Friday 27th October 2023

Circle of Friday night musicians in the Beach Hall
2 Guitars @ Friday Folk’n’Jam
Photo:- Neil Finlay

An evening of taking turns to share music and songs around the circle, joining in when you can, with harmonies on your instrument or voice. Participate or listen. The choice is yours.

Doors open 7.30pm for a 7.30pm Start
Admission $5

We’re a totally informal, small friendly group of people who like to sing and play music. This is a good place for experienced musicians to meet up and enjoy playing together.

If you do not sing or play and would like to then here you’ll find encouragement. There is never any pressure and you may wish to visit a few times to get confidence or you may already be confident, it does not matter, no one will criticise, only support.

Doors open 7.30pm for a 7.30pm Start
Admission $5

We are here. At the bottom of Titirangi Beach Road, just beyond the car park.

TFMC Zoom International – Saturday 28th October 2023

7:30 p.m. NZ time, 7:30 a.m. Brit time, 06:30 UTC.

Another chance to meet up with those around the country and around the world, and zoom in for an evening of music and song.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 2998 4262
Passcode: 270450

One tap mobile
+6436590603,,86729984262#,,,,270450# New Zealand +6448860026,,86729984262#,,,,270450# New Zealand

Dial by your location
+64 3 659 0603 New Zealand
+64 4 886 0026 New Zealand
+64 9 884 6780 New Zealand
Meeting ID: 867 2998 4262
Passcode: 270450

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