Virtual Folk Club – Saturday 9th May 2020

With Lockdown Level 4 now a receding memory we’re all set to bring you our Lockdown Level 3 Club Night for May 2020.

Hall, Guitar, Pipes.


No guest this month – we have a night of floorsingers & MAYBE a short pre-recorded session from one of the guests we have semi-planned for later in the year, if Covid-19 allows that to happen.

What we can tell you WILL happen is:-

Doors open as usual at 7.30 = Join our Zoom meeting – details below.

Mix and Mingle till 8.00PM talking, saying hello, catching up with each other, and giving our name to the MC (President Noel Armstrong) if we want to perform.

First half from 8.00PM – Usual story, floorspots comprising 2 songs, max 10 minutes, you’ll have the focus for the duration of your spot, rest of attendees muted.

We’ll be UN – muting everybody after each song, give you all a chance to clap, cheer, stamp your feet and holler, and generally show your appreciation in the traditional manner.

We reserve the right to cut short a floorspot if the quality of a performers internet connection isn’t up to it. We’ve discovered Zoom works best for music if tell it to use ‘Original Sound’, you can find out why and how to do that on our April Friday Folk’n’Jam page.

We’ll take a break somewhere around 9.15ish for a leg stretch, cuppa time, convenience break, etc. All attendees will be un-muted at half time, to give the opportunity to connect again, but take care, everybody talking at once will turn into an unintelligible mush. 

You’ll have to provide your own tea/coffee/milo/biscuits.

Second Half – same as the first. Maybe with some different people, or maybe with the same, depending on how many of you turn up and want to perform. We’ve really enjoyed that holding our April Club-night and Friday Folk this way allows people who would never be anywhere near Titirangi at the right time to turn up and entertain us.

So enjoy the second half then that’s it – no chairs to put away, no long drive home. We may even take the opportunity to get another round of songs in.

So, how to join up? We’re probably all getting far more practised at this by now than we all were this time last month, but here’s some brief instructions if needed.

You can join from your web browser via the link below, but it works best if you download the app ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ from your Android/IOS store, or from for your PC. Once you have it, enter the MeetingID and you’re in.

You don’t need to sign up for an account to be able to participate, and if you don’t have a camera and microphone you can still listen and watch.

Titirangi Folk Music Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Titirangi Folk Music Club – Club Night May 2020
Time: May 9, 2020 07:30 PM Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 488 099

One tap mobile
+6498846780,,846488099# New Zealand
+6448860026,,846488099# New Zealand

Dial by your location
+64 9 884 6780 New Zealand
+64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

Meeting ID: 846 488 099
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Looking For Alaska

were to have been our guests tonight – we’re still hoping we can bring them to you later in the year.

Looking For Alaska

Members Aaron Gott and Amy Maynard offer up a sound rooted in country-style guitar and soaring harmonies woven together at their very fibre, intensified by their on-stage chemistry. The duo’s familiarity, closeness and authenticity is fuelled by their real-life romance, creating a magnetic performance style that captivates their audience time and time again, and has seen them open for the likes of Fly My Pretties, Herbs and Tiny Ruins, and as a featured act at the ​Canterbury Folk Festival.

Having performed together extensively since they bonded during a recording assignment at music school in 2012, Aaron and Amy embarked upon their newest musical endeavour Looking For Alaska two years ago, and have since worked tirelessly to create a collection of original material, ranging from thigh-slapping, foot-stomping folk sing-alongs, to poignant heart-rending ballads drenched in melancholy.

Zoom in to…
Friday Folk’n’Jam – Friday 22nd May 2020

Friday Folk will come to you!

Zoom in, details below…..

Titirangi Folk Music Club is inviting you to come make music via a Zoom meeting.

But First:- Some advice re Zoom when playing an instrument

Zoom’s primary market is was for business meetings, so by default they give priority to voice, and treat other sounds (accompanying instruments) as interference and attempt to eliminate them. Not what you want to happen when playing music. But there’s a workaround, you can tell Zoom to use ‘Original Sound’ and it will let through your superb playing in all it’s original glory – well at least all the glory your microphone will pick up.

You can find instructions here:-

Note that you need to both enable the option to have the option show up in a meeting, and then switch on the option itself during the meeting.  Tricky I know, if the help page doesn’t make sense to you there are lots of YouTube videos about it.

We’ve also been told that aligning the performer’s microphone with their voice rather than their instrument helps, so the instrument doesn’t overpower.

Topic: Titirangi Folk Music Club – Folk on Friday for May 2020
Time: May 22, 2020 19:30 Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 488 099

One tap mobile
+6498846780,,846488099# New Zealand
+6448860026,,846488099# New Zealand

Dial by your location
+64 9 884 6780 New Zealand
+64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

Meeting ID: 846 488 099

Find your local number:

Circle of Friday night musicians in the Beach Hall
Circle of Friday night musicians in the Titirangi Beach Hall

An evening of taking turns to share music and songs around the circle, joining in when you can, with harmonies on your instrument or voice. Participate or listen. The choice is yours.

We’re a totally informal, small friendly group of people who like to sing and play music. This is a good place for experienced musicians to meet up and enjoy playing together.

If you do not sing or play and would like to then here you’ll find encouragement. There is never any pressure and you may wish to visit a few times to get confidence or you may already be confident, it does not matter, no one will criticise, only support.