Zoom in to…
Friday Folk’n’Jam – Friday 22nd May 2020

Friday Folk will come to you!

Zoom in, details below…..

Titirangi Folk Music Club is inviting you to come make music via a Zoom meeting.

But First:- Some advice re Zoom when playing an instrument

Zoom’s primary market is was for business meetings, so by default they give priority to voice, and treat other sounds (accompanying instruments) as interference and attempt to eliminate them. Not what you want to happen when playing music. But there’s a workaround, you can tell Zoom to use ‘Original Sound’ and it will let through your superb playing in all it’s original glory – well at least all the glory your microphone will pick up.

You can find instructions here:- https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115003279466-Preserve-Original-Sound#h_7845b217-db22-44f5-9163-7978496d953f

Note that you need to both enable the option to have the option show up in a meeting, and then switch on the option itself during the meeting.  Tricky I know, if the help page doesn’t make sense to you there are lots of YouTube videos about it.

We’ve also been told that aligning the performer’s microphone with their voice rather than their instrument helps, so the instrument doesn’t overpower.

Topic: Titirangi Folk Music Club – Folk on Friday for May 2020
Time: May 22, 2020 19:30 Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 488 099

One tap mobile
+6498846780,,846488099# New Zealand
+6448860026,,846488099# New Zealand

Dial by your location
+64 9 884 6780 New Zealand
+64 4 886 0026 New Zealand

Meeting ID: 846 488 099

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kczQEHhJCL

Circle of Friday night musicians in the Beach Hall
Circle of Friday night musicians in the Titirangi Beach Hall

An evening of taking turns to share music and songs around the circle, joining in when you can, with harmonies on your instrument or voice. Participate or listen. The choice is yours.

Doors open 7.30pm for a 7.30pm Start
Admission $5

We’re a totally informal, small friendly group of people who like to sing and play music. This is a good place for experienced musicians to meet up and enjoy playing together.

If you do not sing or play and would like to then here you’ll find encouragement. There is never any pressure and you may wish to visit a few times to get confidence or you may already be confident, it does not matter, no one will criticise, only support.